XForms: Problem with freezing forms

Kubinszky Ferenc (kubi18@eik.bme.hu)
Wed, 22 Oct 1997 14:55:53 +0200 (MET DST)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Kubinszky Ferenc <kubi18@eik.bme.hu> :

Hello !

I write an electrical editor. When I put a component to a free form
I have to ask for its parameters.So I do a fl_sow_form(...).Ok.
But I should freeze the editor form ( this is a free form, not a
canvas ) until the input form returns.
How can I do it ?
The fl_freeze_form(...) only freezes the reddrawing event, but the
ENTER/LEAVE... not !
I tried this at home on my linux machine , with 0.87.2 (or 0.87.3 ? ),
and on a SUN ENTERPRISE 4000 with V0.86.

Please help / I'll off for 5 days :( /

Best regards
Kubinszky Ferenc, kubi18@goliat.eik.bme.hu

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