XForms: Get and Set routines ...

Rob Fletcher (rpf1@york.ac.uk)
Mon, 3 Nov 1997 17:02:48 +0000 (GMT)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Rob Fletcher <rpf1@york.ac.uk> :

big snip with hedge shears

> that fdesign emits a couple of what appear to be debug messages:
> min=0.000000 max=1.000000
> min=0.000000 max=1.000000
> This happens in the 0.87.5 version. I don't recall seeing it in
> earlier versions.
> Forget to #ifdef something out, TC? :-)


snippety snip

> My general suggestion is that if you can set a parameter,
> you should be able to query it elsewhere in the code without doing a
> lot of extraneous application program bookkeeping.

I fully agree with you here. Very important. Big big please do this
for us TC.

Regards, Rob
| Dr R P Fletcher (Rob) | Email R.Fletcher@york.ac.uk |
| Graphics Coordinator | Phone +44 1904 433816 (ddi) |
| Computing Service | Frontdesk +44 1904 433800 (ddi) |
| University of York | Fax +44 1904 433740 |
| YORK YO1 5DD, UK | DU Moo Rob_F |
| www.york.ac.uk/~rpf1/ or www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Bay/8428/|
| The RobCam: www.york.ac.uk/~rpf1/robcam.html |

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