Re: XForms: fl_finish atexit and child processes

Christopher Sean Hilton (
Fri, 30 Jan 1998 20:16:41 -0500 (EST)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Christopher Sean Hilton <> :

On Thu, 29 Jan 1998, Dick Middleton wrote:

: # To subscribers of the xforms list from Dick Middleton <> :
: Any ideas for working around this nice little "gotcha"?
: If you register fl_finish using atexit to nicely disconnect from X server at
: program termination then you have a problem with child processes which exit
: or die. In such a case the X server connection is prematurely terminated.
: This is because the child process also has fl_finish registered.
: This situation is likely to occur with the child process if an exec call in
: the child fails with, for example, a "file not found" error.

Steve Lamont gave me a method for determining the file handle to close (if
the exec call in your child doesn't do it for you?) Would it be possible
to just close this file handle, effectively neutering fl_finish(), in the


      __o          "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
    _`\<,_           -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton                    [chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

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