XForms: XFroms installation failed

Gang Chen (gang@cochise.biosci.arizona.edu)
Sun, 29 Mar 1998 11:35:01 -0700 (MST)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Gang Chen <gang@cochise.biosci.arizona.edu> :


I am a newbie to XForms, and am trying to install XForms on RH 5.0 Linux
system. The error message shows that it does not like -lXpm. Then I grabbed
XPM, and installed the binary version and the one compiled from source
code. The compillation of XForms still failed with the same error
message. Bob williams suggested to me to download RPMS. I did that, but
the installation showed that xpm-3.4k-1 and xpm-devel-1 are already
installed (from the source installation???). So, I am still puzzled with
what is wrong: Why could the compiler not find the XPM? Could anyone
help me?

Many thanks in advance,
Gang Chen

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