XForms: [off-topic] two little question on egcs

Vicentini Emanuele (vicentin@arena.sci.univr.it)
Thu, 2 Jul 1998 09:53:25 +0200 (CEST)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Vicentini Emanuele <vicentin@arena.sci.univr.it> :


First of all many apologies for this totaly off-topic e-mail, but
follow me and you'll understand. I recently update my home system from gcc to egcs 1.0.3 At my university sysadm won't update anything at
least until december. All I need is:

1) I use __GNUC__ and __GNUC_MINOR__ to chech at compile time what
compiler I'm using; is this right?

2) I know (because I tried it) that with egcs I can write in C++ statement
with namespace scope resolution (like ``std::cout << "Ciao" <<
endl;''), but if I try to declare a namespace egcs complain saying
that namespaces aren't implemented yet; how can it manage
std::cout? Are there macros for this?

I don't have a regular newsgroups access so I can't post these questions
to the right place, and I wrote to Cygnus these same questions, receiving
as reply something that sounds like an advertisement for their
"commercial" compiler. So, don't bash me to hard for this OT message, ok?

Thanks in advance to everyone,

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