Xforms Mailing List Web Archive by thread
Starting: Wed 01 Jul 1998 - 09:46:10 EST
Ending: Fri 31 Dec 1999 - 11:07:59 EST
Messages: 1624
- XForms: Resolution stefano.in@iol.it
- Re: XForms: Binding keystrokes to main window Dale Higbee
- Re: XForms: Binding keystrokes to main window Steve Lamont
- XForms: [off-topic] two little question on egcs Vicentini Emanuele
- XForms: form placement flags J. P. Mellor
- XForms: Pixmap Stefano Incontri
- XForms: v0.88.1 Ron Askew
- FW: Re: XForms: Pixmap stefano.in@iol.it
- XForms: Pixmap stefano.in@iol.it
- XForms: Pixmap stefano.in@iol.it
- XForms: how does fl_show_question() do it ? Paul Barton-Davis
- XForms: SIGALRM handling: some insights Paul Barton-Davis
- XForms: how does fl_show_question() work ? Paul Barton-Davis
- XForms: SIGALRM handling: some insights Paul Barton-Davis
- XForms: how does fl_show_question() do it ? Paul Barton-Davis
- XForms: fl_deavctivate_all_forms() controltech
- XForms: Sorry. Paul Barton-Davis
- Re: XForms: how does fl_show_question() do it ? Stephen Langer
- Re: XForms: how does fl_show_question() do it ? Stephen Langer
- XForms: Grid of Pixmap stefano.in@iol.it
- XForms: Elaborate Dials Alain.Gaillet
- XForms: In fl_handle_it [objects.c 1398] Bad object AMIT BHATNAGAR
- XForms: oogl flatmax
- XForms: oogl Stephan Koll
- XForms: Curserfonts Matthias Rarey
- XForms: Clock cursor Steve Lamont
- Re: XForms: Re: your mail Stephan Koll
- XForms: PutBackEvent Overflow Christian Pomar Berry
- XForms: Re: NASTRAN Christian Pomar Berry
- Re: XForms: Re: your mail Steve Lamont
- XForms: Using fselector for other than files Gerald Gryschuk
- XForms: Again on Pixmap stefano.in@iol.it
- XForms: Re: Mouse Icon Change Luis IBANEZ
- Re: XForms: Problems with Multiline Input Object Duane Penzien
- XForms: drag and drop, but different Paul Barton-Davis
- Re: XForms: flx: request for contributions Danny Uy
- XForms: Excuse my ignorance... but... Danny Uy
- XForms: fl_{hide,show}_object() without forcing a form redraw ? Paul Barton-Davis
- XForms: editing a file Matt Post
- XForms: all CAPS input box AMIT BHATNAGAR
- XForms: What's up with this? Gerald Gryschuk
- XForms: callback's AMIT BHATNAGAR
- Re: XForms: Problems with Multiline Input Object vsexton
- XForms: I'll be at siggraph next week T.C. Zhao
- XForms: Mime-Version: 1.0 Phil Massan Kuzo
- XForms: Popup titles Dick Middleton
- XForms: redrawing and freezing Paul Barton-Davis
- XForms: tabfolder with many tabs Matthias Rarey
- XForms: Flickering & pausing Kevin A. Pilch
- XForms: xform & visual c++ 5.0 Stephane Rossignol
- Re: XForms: Xforms and Prolog... Phil Massan Kuzo
- XForms: Resizing child components Gerald Gryschuk
- XForms: Can XForms display stereo? Maria Lam
- XForms: menus show the last selection made Steve Lamont
- XForms: status bars Andrew V. Messier
- XForms: xyplot limit moini@eleceng.adelaide.edu.au
- XForms: menus show the last selection made Dick Middleton
- XForms: Xforms 0.88.1/SGI 6.2 Steve Lamont
- XForms: fl_get_fontstruct() on error? Tano Fotang
- XForms: Using tabs in text Gerald Gryschuk
- XForms: Error starting program Brendon Oliver
- XForms: xforms display problems Matt Post
- XForms: Xforms for LynxOS 2.5 P.vanHaren@phys.uu.nl
- XForms: clearing input fields AMIT BHATNAGAR
- XForms: xforms bug, or window manager weirdness? Stephen Langer
- XForms: Resizing of slider in scrollbar. Gerald Gryschuk
- XForms: When does a FL_FREEMEM event ever get sent? Gerald Gryschuk
- XForms: Any ideas? Chris Rennie
- XForms: libc / system () problem Ian Leonard
- XForms: xyplot arbitrary tics problem Christian Goltz
- XForms: FL_DBCLICK Yann Guichoux
- XForms: numlock key in FL_KEYBOARD callback of free objects Simon
- XForms: Linux alpha glibc ? Tristan Savatier
- XForms: fl_get_cursorpos() AMIT BHATNAGAR
- XForms: Undefined symbol _ceil in SunOS 4.1. P.R.D.S. Mendonca
- XForms: special browser David Celjuska
- XForms: Possible browser bug(s) Dave Gotwisner
- XForms: GLXBadDrawable on remote display Kevin A. Pilch
- XForms: Acceeding objects in tabbed folders Antonio Matias Moro
- XForms: fdesign lws.workshop@t-online.de
- XForms: populating a browser with a directory listing.. Amit Bhatnagar
- XForms: Re: populating a browser with a directory listing.. Amit Bhatnagar
- XForms: fl_load_browser problem. Amit Bhatnagar
- XForms: fl_load_browser problem. omill@mail.ewu.edu
- Re: XForms: fl_load_browser problem. [followup] Steve Lamont
- XForms: Re: T.C. Zhao
- Re: XForms: "Accessing" objects in tabbed folders Steve Lamont
- XForms: fdesign creates core dumps lws.workshop@t-online.de
- XForms: Re: About configuring LYX Luis IBANEZ
- XForms: first problem with xforms (fdesign) Danny G. Holstein
- XForms: Problem from a newbie Timothy Legge
- XForms: Color Problem with Xforms Robert James
- XForms: Borderless form on SGI? Brett Borowski
- `.' in your path (was Re: XForms: Color Problem with Xforms) Steve Lamont
- XForms: Where can I get some OpenGL Info? David Rivera Pericas
- RE: XForms: Possible browser bug(s) Dave Gotwisner
- XForms: XForms update Form Timothy Legge
- XForms: How to dismiss fl_show_messages Timothy Legge
- XForms: fonts styles Yann Guichoux
- XForms: Xforms + OpenGL +Overlay Marc JIROU
- XForms: background Color in several openGl canvas Manuel J. Garcia
- XForms: window ID Jun Zhou
- XForms: Shortcut key problem David Rivera Pericas
- XForms: more glforms to xforms Thomas Kroc
- XForms: test, don't open Oscar Renalias
- XForms: Solaris linking problem David Birnbaum
- XForms: fselector file name lengths Simon
- XForms: Menubar, Does It Work? Robert James
- XForms: Re: xforms bug, or window manager weirdness? Stephen Langer
- Re: XForms: Borderless form on SGI? Stephen Langer
- Re: XForms: Re: xforms bug, or window manager weirdness? Steve Lamont
- Re: XForms: Re: xforms bug, or window manager weirdness? Stephen Langer
- Re: XForms: Re: xforms bug, or window manager weirdness? Steve Lamont
- XForms: Forms and child forms Ian Leonard
- XForms: Linux StrongARM ? Tristan Savatier
- XForms: FL_TIMEOUT_CALLBACK not defined ? Tristan Savatier
- XForms: Changing fonts Roberto Thersn
- XForms: Anyone out there? Ian Leonard
- XForms: Problems with parameter passing within callbacks... Humberto Cervantes Cuevas
- XForms: Menubar, Does It Work? -Reply Russel Lane
- XForms: OpenGL error message Don Melano
- XForms: fl_set_xyplot_grid_linestyle is misssing? moini@eleceng.adelaide.edu.au
- XForms: problem with the input box gopinath Taget
- XForms: CHANGING FONTS ???? Roberto Thersn
- XForms: FL_Get_dirlist () AMIT BHATNAGAR
- XForms: fl_get-dirlist() (again) AMIT BHATNAGAR
- XForms: Compatibility of old applications and new library releases? John C. Peterson
- RV: XForms: Changing fonts Roberto Thersn
- XForms: How to make pixmap or bitmap image on sunos? lxw@stats.st.com.sg
- XForms: How to make pixmap or bitmap image on sunos? ravi
- XForms: fl_set_resource() Steve Lamont
- XForms: Keeping objects on top Ian Leonard
- XForms: Re: T.C. Zhao
- Re: RV: XForms: Changing fonts vsexton
- Re: RV: XForms: Changing fonts T.C. Zhao
- Re: RV: XForms: Changing fonts vsexton
- XForms: Xforms Licensing Question Robert James
- XForms: Input validation problem Ian Leonard
- XForms: valslider unexpected 2nd bar Lothar Esser
- Re: XForms: Visuals T.C. Zhao
- XForms: Color quantization library available Steve Lamont
- XForms: One more time Doug Roberts
- XForms: Xforms as a Netscape plug-in ? Dinesh Sarode
- XForms: bug in fl_set_menu_item_mode Manolo Gouy
- XForms: Show a BMP picture in Xwindow Saulo Popov Zambiasi
- XForms: I don't want to be repetitive, but Doug Roberts
- XForms: how to handle DBLCLICK and not CLICK in a {pre,post}handler ? Paul Barton-Davis
- XForms: Wierd Seg Fault.. AMIT BHATNAGAR
- Re: XForms: XLib Manual - was: Show a BMP picture in Xwindow Steve Lamont
- XForms: another thing... AMIT BHATNAGAR
- Re: XForms: XLib Manual - was: Show a BMP picture in Xwindow Stefano Incontri
- what is a BMP?(Re: XForms: XLib Manual -..) Tano Fotang
- XForms: Event FL_KEYBOARD Stefano Incontri
- XForms: fl_setpup_submenu controltech
- Re: XForms: XLib Manual - was: Show a BMP picture in Xwindow Steve Lamont
- RE: XForms: another thing... Danny G. Holstein
- Re: what is a BMP?(Re: XForms: XLib Manual -..) Henry J. P. Smith
- XForms: Wierd Seg Fault.. AMIT BHATNAGAR
- XForms: XLib Manual - was: Show a BMP picture in Xwindow Saulo Popov Zambiasi
- XForms: Show a BMP picture in Xwindow Saulo Popov Zambiasi
- Re: XForms: XLib Manual - was: Show a BMP picture in Xwindow Stefano Incontri
- XForms: how to handle DBLCLICK and not CLICK in a {pre,post}handler ? Paul Barton-Davis
- XForms: Sorry Helmut Bohr
- XForms: another thing... AMIT BHATNAGAR
- XForms: Event FL_KEYBOARD Stefano Incontri
- what is a BMP?(Re: XForms: XLib Manual -..) Tano Fotang
- XForms: The problem has been reported. Steve Lamont
- RE: XForms: another thing... Steve Lamont
- XForms: Hiding and showing of forms. AMIT BHATNAGAR
- XForms: prehandlers and dblclicks Paul Barton-Davis
- XForms: More memory debugging tools Steve Lamont
- XForms: Doubleclick button Steve Lamont
- XForms: scicalc Kevin Smith
- XForms: Input field problem Anuradha - Pani
- R: XForms: Event FL_KEYBOARD Stefano Incontri
- XForms: Input Field Error lxw@stats.st.com.sg
- XForms: fl_enumerate_font blocks stdout moini@eleceng.adelaide.edu.au
- XForms: Year 2000 compliance of XFORMS Bob Dorsey
- XForms: assistance Larry D. Clark
- XForms: deactivate button Dave
- XForms: probs. with XFMail Magnus Hinzke
- XForms: Xforms and Perl AMIT BHATNAGAR
- XForms: VIDEO PROBLEM Jun Jun He
- XForms: Bug? -- browser xoffset setting lxw@stats.st.com.sg
- XForms: Bar charts - Y axis labels Ian Leonard
- XForms: Browser Fonts & Tabs Jaime Oliva
- XForms: Xforms: Browsers, Fonts & Tabs Jaime Oliva
- XForms: how do I get KeyRelease events ? Paul Barton-Davis
- XForms: key release: forget it ... Paul Barton-Davis
- XForms: A newcomer. Patrick Mariescurrena
- XForms: fileSelector ? Yann Guichoux
- XForms: Fileselector Border Richard LaBarca
- XForms: changing a button type dynamically ? Paul Barton-Davis
- Re: XForms: xforms bug with underlining option T.C. Zhao
- XForms: placement of goodies Lothar Esser
- XForms: xyplot problem moini@eleceng.adelaide.edu.au
- XForms: Tree browser object Dominic Hanlan
- XForms: XFORMS 0.88: XYplot -> Postscript problem Andrew Romanenko
- XForms: setting cursorpos in MULTILINE input Lothar Esser
- XForms: browser fonts Rouben Rostamian
- XForms: pls help me with this object Tano Fotang
- Re: Example: XForms: setting cursorpos in MULTILINE input T.C. Zhao
- Re: XForms: XFORMS 0.88: XYplot -> Postscript problem T.C. Zhao
- XForms: resize event problem Lothar Esser
- XForms: misc. T.C. Zhao
- XForms: Window Managers close button ian
- XForms: _IO_putc ? Daniel
- XForms: XIE & XForms John Prinos
- XForms: fl_add_timeout controltech
- XForms: file_selector pattern Yann Guichoux
- XForms: XForms, cursors and others (fwd) Joao Filipe Ferreira
- XForms: Widgets and XForms Joao Filipe Ferreira
- XForms: first object Lothar Esser
- XForms: New Version of XForms Thomas Jensen
- XForms: input objects - newbie question Martin Doll, Ph.D.
- XForms: chartstrip proyecto terminal virginia
- XForms: Question on how to raise minimized form Chip Sutton
- XForms: XForms on MkLinux - MapColor problem... dkp3@cornell.edu
- XForms: Updating V0.81->V0.88 problems... Joao Filipe Ferreira
- XForms: What?!... Joao Filipe Ferreira
- XForms: Canvases and positioners... Joao Filipe Ferreira
- XForms: gl_canvas with canvashandlers, and other FL_OBJECTs Dirk Evers
- XForms: tick values for xyplot moini@eleceng.adelaide.edu.au
- XForms: Status bar (percentage bar) question... David Rivera Pericas
- XForms: Pixmaps, Bitmaps and Canvases (continued...) Joao Filipe Ferreira
- XForms: Code and clarifying - pixmap revisited... Joao Filipe Ferreira
- XForms: station_map and MapColors Joao Filipe Ferreira
- XForms: Xlib Manuals... Joao Filipe Ferreira
- XForms: XL_ObjWin Joao Filipe Ferreira
- XForms: fl_get_object_real_window Joao Filipe Ferreira
- XForms: RPM packages ? Tristan Savatier
- XForms: Check Button Labels.. Coby Hochstein
- XForms: problem executing a binary file from Xforms Luca Lazzarotti
- XForms: FL_OVERLAY_POSITIONER Joao Filipe Ferreira
- XForms: Hurray! Joao Filipe Ferreira
- XForms: Tabbed Folders Joao Filipe Ferreira
- XForms: window focus by klicking or pointing Simon
- XForms: fileSelector Yann Guichoux
- XForms: Multi-column list (table) Mehalick RE
- XForms: trouble with fl_show_messages() J. P. Mellor
- XForms: Problem Amit Bhatnagar
- XForms: Problem building xfl Martin J. Evans
- XForms: windows list Yann Guichoux
- XForms: int *ascend, int *descend of fl_get_char_height?? David Schroeter
- XForms: Tutorials? Yasholomew Yashinski
- XForms: The idle callback Benjamin Frederick Gregorski
- XForms: fdesign and symbols Dick Middleton
- XForms: (how to upload?) Tano Fotang
- XForms: image button 24bit Michael Saup
- XForms: different behaviour for window activation Simon
- XForms: new RPM package spec Tristan Savatier
- XForms: new RPM package spec Tristan Savatier
- XForms: cursor Yann Guichoux
- XForms: Xforms on windows95 Bruno Anquine
- XForms: A bug? Proyecto:Virginia
- XForms: Q: xforms in a linux pthread Michael Stillger
- XForms: multiple gl canvases Michael Stillger
- Re: XForms: Q: xforms in a linux pthread Tristan Savatier
- XForms: Still no multiple gl canvases... Steve Lamont
- XForms: Multiple gl canvases after all... Steve Lamont
- XForms: xform window activation Simon
- XForms: test R-2-RO C.
- XForms: form positioning and placement flags J. P. Mellor
- XForms: fl_show_oneliner question John Prinos
- XForms: Infinite loop in fl_signal_caught() under IRIX 6.x Steve Lamont
- XForms: Problem building xfl -Reply Russel Lane
- XForms: Continuing with the xyplot's bug!! Proyecto:Virginia
- XForms: Keysym for capital letter in raw callback Tano Fotang
- Re: XForms: Keysym for capital letter in raw callback [followup] Steve Lamont
- XForms: F90 bindings on SGI Christos Frouzakis
- Re: XForms: Keysym for capital letter in raw callback [followup] Tano Fotang
- Re: XForms: Keysym for capital letter in raw callback [followup] Steve Lamont
- XForms: Double Click Callback Amit Bhatnagar
- XForms: Menu FL_PUP_BOX problem Amit Bhatnagar
- XForms: Stupid question about fl_line Alberto Barsella
- (no subject) Marcelo Guerreiro da Silva
- XForms: no main Steve Lamont
- XForms: colormap Yann Guichoux
- XForms: listserver address change Robert Williams
- XForms: libforms.so.0.88 Marcelo Guerreiro da Silva
- XForms: XForms and Open Inventor Bill Anderst
- XForms: libforms.so.0.88 Marcelo Guerreiro da Silva
- XForms: libforms.so.0.88 Marcelo Guerreiro da Silva
- XForms: Xforms and canvas Federico buldin
- XForms: Problem with more than 4 windows Luca Lazzarott
- XForms: fl_set_error_handler Robert James
- XForms: Xforms on Pentium based Solaris Joel Weiner
- XForms: fl_drw_text Federico buldin
- XForms: Default counter attributes Simon
- XForms: Nothing Happens Marcelo Guerreiro da Silva
- XForms: ERROR Marcelo Guerreiro da Silva
- XForms: XFORMS Classes Robert James
- XForms: Addressing Input Field John Culleton
- XForms: Xforms: Browser Selecting Coby Hochstein
- XForms: Trouble with fonts and format characters Tano Fotang
- XForms: Can't get xforms to compile - Martin Doll, Ph.D.
- XForms: Draw Marcelo Guerreiro da Silva
- XForms: Repositioning Problem with Popups Robert James
- XForms: Tabbed Folder John Culleton
- Re: XForms: Tabbed Folder (correction) Steve Lamont
- XForms: typo in Xforms message Tristan Savatier
- XForms: Function Keys in Fdesign John Culleton
- Re: XForms: Function Keys in Fdesign Trent Piepho
- XForms: INterbase/Xforms Connection John Culleton
- XForms: Re: F Keys - solution John Culleton
- XForms: A legal question T.C. Zhao
- XForms: window activation on mouse click/move Simon
- XForms: xforms colors Jorge Lobo
- XForms: file selector improvements ? Tristan Savatier
- XForms: what function needed? Martin Doll, Ph.D.
- XForms: thanks Martin Doll, Ph.D.
- XForms: Blinking Fields Robert James
- XForms: static linking, Solaris 2.5 vs Solaris 2.6 Joel Weiner
- XForms: More info, static linking, Solaris 2.5 vs Solaris 2.6 Joel Weiner
- XForms: FTP server? Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- XForms: And furthermore, static linking, Solaris 2.5 vs Solaris 2.6 Joel Weiner
- XForms: tabfolder problem Lothar Esser
- Re: XForms: Multiple forms in fdesign: How to call them? Steve Lamont
- XForms: Menus with popups - heading on non-Linux machines Richard Kent
- XForms: A note on Form Designer.... Proyecto:Virginia
- XForms: Input Box Insert / Overwrite mode Don Behrens
- XForms: hiding part of a form Carolyn Heineken
- XForms: overlay &pop-menus &dialogs Federico buldin
- XForms: Positioning Hidden Fields Robert James
- XForms: Outputting text to NORMAL_TEXT and NORMAL_BROWSER windows Vinh
- XForms: folder.c demo source code needed Don Melano
- XForms: Question on Idle Callback and Delta Value Chip Sutton
- XForms: Displaying Bitmaps Robert James
- RE: XForms: Question on Idle Callback and Delta Value Steve Lamont
- XForms: PC linux compilation Manolo Gouy
- XForms: Forms Library, X11, X Toolkit, and Other Event Multiplexing Stephen Huyssoon
- XForms: Bitmaps and Browser Storage Robert James
- XForms: Pixmap Stuff Jared Davis
- XForms: Support for Multiple Displays Stephen Huyssoon
- XForms: Window Migration Stephen Huyssoon
- RE: XForms: Question on Idle Callback and Delta Value T.C. Zhao
- RE: XForms: Question on Idle Callback and Delta Value Steve Lamont
- XForms: Need developers/testers for Xforms Oracle application Matthew
- XForms: how to write a text editor w/xforms? Hugo Rabson
- XForms: Text editor (followup) Steve Lamont
- XForms: problems running demo Kaushik Raha
- XForms: FDesign loosing callbacks, names and arguments Carolyn Heineken
- XForms: Using X resource entries of another app.. Tano Fotang
- XForms: multi-line nput Francis DUPUIS
- XForms: [Fwd: FW: Phone Company Attempt to add per minute charges] John Culleton
- XForms: Save in fdesign John Culleton
- XForms: [Fwd: FVWM: [Fwd: FW: Phone Company Attempt to add per minute charges]] John Culleton
- XForms: crash in do_keyboard Stephen Langer
- (no subject) ravi
- XForms: tick marks Steve Lamont
- XForms: Tabbedfolders Fr. Amin
- XForms: font size change from version .86 to version .88 keith tang
- XForms: drag & drop within a form (canvas?) Hugo Rabson
- XForms: Palette Issues Jared Davis
- XForms: Compile!!! cmacedo
- XForms: File Browser Problems Richard Kent
- XForms: Problems with mutliple windows (fwd) Mark Lee
- XForms: dec-alpha 4.0: why does xforms requires opengl ? Tristan Savatier
- XForms: Forms! Claudio Andrade Macedo
- XForms: Pixmap! Claudio Andrade Macedo
- XForms: Colormap! Claudio Andrade Macedo
- XForms: Tabbed-Folder Strangeness Jared Davis
- XForms: pop-ups Peter Hanley
- XForms: Pixmap! Claudio Andrade Macedo
- XForms: dec-alpha 4.0: xforms requires opengl ? Tristan Savatier
- XForms: limits of xyplot Vinh
- XForms: UC 3.0 for Xforms is open source Henrik Klagges
- XForms: Re: fl_do_forms() and signals Mark Lee
- Re: XForms: Re: fl_do_forms() and signals Steve Lamont
- Re: XForms: Re: fl_do_forms() and signals Claudio Andrade Macedo
- Re: XForms: Re: fl_do_forms() and signals Steve Lamont
- Re: XForms: Re: fl_do_forms() and signals Claudio Andrade Macedo
- Re: XForms: Re: fl_do_forms() and signals Steve Lamont
- Re: XForms: Re: fl_do_forms() and signals Stephen Huyssoon
- XForms: plot data stephane sonneville
- XForms: XForms n32 library for Irix + Purify Richard LaBarca
- XForms: Problem linking XForms library on libc5 system John Simons
- XForms: Segmentation Faults with C++ Thomas Thiel
- XForms: a strange error in a Xform application Paul Barton-Davis
- Re: XForms: Segmentation Faults with C++ Thomas Thiel
- Re: XForms: Segmentation Faults with C++ Thomas Thiel
- Re: XForms: Segmentation Faults with C++ Thomas Thiel
- XForms: Sorry for all that C++-Stuff ! Thomas Thiel
- XForms: Question : Multiple Select List ?? Coby Hochstein
- Re: XForms: Question : Multiple Select List ?? Steve Lamont
- Re: XForms: Question : Multiple Select List ?? Steve Lamont
- XForms: [Fwd: dec-alpha 4.0: why does xforms requires opengl ?] Tristan Savatier
- XForms: weird multi-input VScrollbar Tano Fotang
- XForms: test version T.C. Zhao
- RE: XForms: test version T.C. Zhao
- XForms: window-problem on Linux GEHL Dominik
- RE: XForms: test version Mehalick RE
- RE: XForms: test version Matthew
- RE: XForms: test version Tano Fotang
- XForms: Again: Trouble with multi-input object Tano Fotang
- XForms: were there bugs? Tano Fotang
- RE: XForms: test version Steve Lamont
- XForms: Application exits normally after processing forms Matthew
- RE: XForms: test version Steve Lamont
- XForms: send data to event routine Gunawan Kowani
- XForms: Many windows - slow desktop.... Christian Dysthe
- XForms: fl_point() color? A.A.Valishev
- Re: XForms: Again: Trouble with multi-input object T.C. Zhao
- Re: XForms: Again: Trouble with multi-input object Tano Fotang
- XForms: Displaying a message inside a message =?us-ascii?Q?St=E9phane?= Barraud
- XForms: Xforms4perl : compiling problem on IRIX 6.5 =?us-ascii?Q?St=E9phane?= Barraud
- XForms: fdesign backwards compatibility Bob Lewis
- XForms: What do I do next? Donovan A Richie
- XForms: A new CD player for Linux and X Michael Glickman
- XForms: Xforms licensing questions Tristan Savatier
- XForms: fl_initialize problem? Ben
- XForms: X error Joel Lefebvre
- XForms: fl_add_timeout Joel Lefebvre
- XForms: XForms' file browser... dkp3@cornell.edu
- XForms: pixmap question Eric Mao
- XForms: How can I draw lines in other form? David Rivera Pericas
- XForms: iconize Stefan Job
- XForms: Philosophy of input fields and browser Michael Glickman
- XForms: Newbie Question Tim Floto
- XForms: displaying results Martin Doll, Ph. D.
- XForms: Async I/O Dick Middleton
- XForms: fl_add_timeout Joel Lefebvre
- Heureka!: XForms: displaying results Martin Doll, Ph. D.
- XForms: silly typos (was something else) Tano Fotang
- RE: XForms: silly typos (was something else) Sexton, Veronica
- XForms: Image Support Andrew Davison
- XForms: file selector enhancement suggestion Tristan Savatier
- XForms: In-Reply-To: <199904141801.DAA04437@caspc1.etl.go.jp> vose@remc.biol.sc.edu
- XForms: vnc & xforms 0.88.2: flvisual.c[217]can't find appropriate visual ruminator
- XForms: Color Themes Matthew
- XForms: overlays in XForms and OpenGL Todd Koumrian
- XForms: forwarded email from Johannes Leveling T.C. Zhao
- XForms: iconize Stefan Job
- XForms: re: iconize Stefan Job
- XForms: fl_mouse_button in v 0.81 Michael Glickman
- XForms: a few comments Stephane ANCELOT
- XForms: Help_me for fdesign Kristo Komsalov
- XForms: Help_me for fdesign Kristo Komsalov
- XForms: Xwindows with xforms Liana Lorigo
- XForms: Xrm database suggestion Tano Fotang
- Re: ?? Re: XForms: a few comments S ANCELOT
- XForms: image support and colormaps Michal Szymanski
- XForms: List address change Robert Williams
- XForms: Formbrowser Klaus Peter Maas
- XForms: Re: Help_me for fdesign, from Kristo Kristo Komsalov
- XForms: Re: Help_me for fdesign, from Kristo Kristo Komsalov
- Re: XForms: Re: Help_me for fdesign, from Kristo Tano Fotang
- Re: XForms: Re: Help_me for fdesign, from Kristo T.C. Zhao
- XForms: Newbie question Olivier C Heyard
- XForms: Full screen question Tim Floto
- RE: XForms: Newbie question Sexton, Veronica
- XForms: counter with wrap around? Trent Piepho
- Re: XForms: counter, input and ... RETURN_END_CHANGED. Michael Glickman
- XForms: Cursors Aron Flagg
- XForms: Shortcut Keys and Buttons James, Robert
- XForms: problem with fl_show_fselector on version .88 keith tang
- XForms: fdesign Ravi Mehrotra
- XForms: How to open a text file in a multiline box ? Nicolas Meier
- XForms: X extension calls within xforms Tim Floto
- XForms: XForms and the source Frederic L. W. Meunier
- XForms: xforms:fl_add_glcanvas Kay Fleetwood
- XForms: Using Object Components James, Robert
- RE: XForms: XForms and the source Steve Lamont
- XForms: Problems with glibc2.1? Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- RE: XForms: xforms:fl_add_glcanvas T.C. Zhao
- Re: XForms: Xforms: fortran binding T.C. Zhao
- RE: XForms: XForms and the source T.C. Zhao
- XForms: linux/glibc2 T.C. Zhao
- XForms: Tree browser object Daniel Amyot
- XForms: Getting XForms to Work under IRIX Richard A. Bilonick
- XForms: Canvas Window Attributes Ravi Mehrotra
- XForms: Crash when pasting empty string. Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- XForms: 3d surface plot Joel Weiner
- Re: XForms: 3d surface plot Rouben Rostamian
- XForms: Text "Pixmap" in Pixmap buttons Simon
- XForms: fl_set_input_filter: input filter not called consistently Tristan Savatier
- Re: XForms: fl_set_input_filter: input filter not called consistently T.C. Zhao
- XForms: list was down Robert Williams
- XForms: Scroll menu Hugo Tremblay
- XForms: Search tutorial... Julien Cartigny
- XForms: regular expression Lothar Esser
- XForms: Keyboard shortcuts in menus Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
- XForms: xforms under NetBSD 1.3.2 on a Sun3/60 derry.birse@ind.alstom.com
- XForms: Icon Location James, Robert
- XForms: Icon Location James, Robert
- RE: XForms: Icon Location Sexton, Veronica
- XForms: xforms under NetBSD 1.3.2 on a Sun3/60 again derry.birse@ind.alstom.com
- XForms: Navigation thru input objects Ravi Mehrotra
- XForms: Problem understanding fl_exe_command Ravi Mehrotra
- XForms: [Fwd: [Fwd: BOUNCE xforms@bob.usuhs.mil: Non-member submission from (fwd)fl_exe_command controltech
- XForms: bug report: fl_show_choice with 2 choices returns 3 Tristan Savatier
- XForms: widgets James D. Stegeman
- RE: XForms: widgets Sexton, Veronica
- XForms: XISP: form backgrounds for a MONO monitor derry.birse@ind.alstom.com
- Re: XForms: XISP: form backgrounds for a MONO monitor Steve Lamont
- XForms: i cant compile a single demo. Hugo Alexandre Vilardouro - LEI
- XForms: dynamically adding objects malone@mrgone.com
- XForms: Some peculiarities j.w.c.a. lokin
- XForms: Killing child whe window manager window closed is used Jeff PIerce
- XForms: text object text is higher on one then the other Jeff PIerce
- RE: XForms: Killing child whe window manager window closed is use Sexton, Veronica
- RE: XForms: text object text is higher on one then the other Sexton, Veronica
- Re: XForms: Killing child whe window manager window closed is use d Jeff PIerce
- XForms: Label text higher problem solved. Mud on face. Jeff PIerce
- XForms: Question about colormaps Sexton, Veronica
- RE: XForms: text object text is higher on one then the other Sexton, Veronica
- XForms: text object text is higher on one then the other Sexton, Veronica
- Re: XForms: Killing child whe window manager window closed is used Eef Hartman
- RE: XForms: Question about colormaps Sexton, Veronica
- RE: XForms: Question about colormaps Steve Lamont
- RE: XForms: Question about colormaps Sexton, Veronica
- RE: XForms: Question about colormaps T.C. Zhao
- XForms: a question about compiling xforms xiaohui
- XForms: moving objects James D. Stegeman
- XForms: Scrolling text browsers Stephen Murphy
- XForms: Greek letters on xforms Steve Lamont
- XForms: group selection James D. Stegeman
- XForms: Segmentation fault Claus Atzenbeck
- XForms: Problem with compilation Ravi Mehrotra
- XForms: Can't get pipes to work right, totally confused..... Jeff PIerce
- XForms: v0.89 and welcome Steve Lamont T.C. Zhao
- Re: XForms: Can't get pipes to work right. Solved echo half, not the other Jeff PIerce
- Re: XForms: Can't get pipes to work right. Solved echo half, not the other T.C. Zhao
- Re: XForms: Can't get pipes to work right. Solved echo half, not the other Jeff PIerce
- XForms: Resources with xforms Michael Glickman
- XForms: label color Yann Guichoux
- XForms: fl_set_menu_item_mode Yann Guichoux
- XForms: need help installing XForms Ravi Shankar Shamihoke
- XForms: Re: need help installing XForms[Problem is Fixed] Ravi Shankar Shamihoke
- Re: XForms: Re: need help installing XForms[Problem is Fixed] Steve Lamont
- XForms: XForms problem? Knutur Arnason
- XForms: Resources with xforms Michael Glickman
- XForms: trouble compiling with version 0.89 on linux Rouben Rostamian
- XForms: v0.89 release date Maria Lam
- XForms: Pb with Input object on IRIX 6.5 =?us-ascii?Q?St=E9phane?= Barraud
- Re: XForms: color/xresources Danny G. Holstein
- RE: XForms: Pb with Input object on IRIX 6.5 Sexton, Veronica
- RE: XForms: color/xresources Michael Glickman
- RE: XForms: Another pb with xforms on IRIX 6.5 Michael Glickman
- XForms: Text and literal at sign. Jason White
- XForms: Ref: Colours/resources: source code Michael Glickman
- Re: XForms: Text and literal at sign: Michael Glickman
- Re: XForms: Text and literal at sign: Jason White
- RE: XForms: Text and literal at sign: Michael Glickman
- Re: XForms: Text and @ sign - the final step Michael Glickman
- RE: XForms: Ref: Colours/resources: source code Danny G. Holstein
- XForms: What is the difference between bxform-089-glibc21 and bxform-089? John H. Chauvin
- XForms: How do u make a Makefile Anand Shankar
- XForms: How do u make a Makefile Anand Shankar
- XForms: Version 0.89 for HP Gino Perna
- XForms: Is Forms "compatible" with XForms ? Sylvain Haudegond
- XForms: Problem displaying images Ravi Mehrotra
- RE: XForms: Problem displaying images Michael Glickman
- RE: XForms: Problem displaying images Michael Glickman
- RE: XForms: Problem displaying images Michael Glickman
- XForms: XForms crashes with LinuxPPC + 32 bpp Albrecht =?iso-8859-1?Q?Dre=DF?=
- RE: XForms: Is Forms "compatible" with XForms ? T.C. Zhao
- RE: XForms: Problem displaying images Michael Glickman
- RE: XForms: Is Forms "compatible" with XForms ? Steve Lamont
- XForms: xforms 0.89 on BSDi Bruce Momjian
- XForms: browser object Peter Hanley
- RE: XForms: browser object Michael Glickman
- Re: XForms: browser object Peter Hanley
- RE: XForms: 32 bpp: it does make sense! Michael Glickman
- RE: XForms: 32 bpp: it does make sense! T.C. Zhao
- XForms: fl_addtopup Yann Guichoux
- XForms: Missing library for Linux Dave Gotwisner
- Re: XForms: browser object Peter Hanley
- XForms: Problems with image functions Frank Hartung
- XForms: slow xforms Bernhard Rumpler
- XForms: Fast timer? Hugh Gibson
- XForms: Started programming with Xforms Marien van Westen
- XForms: problems using v0.89 on Linux with glibc2.0 Jan Menzel
- XForms: problem resizing forms Jan Menzel
- XForms: fdesign: emitted C-code for menus in structures Jan Menzel
- Re: XForms: Missing library for Linux Bruce Momjian
- RE: XForms: problem resizing forms Michael Glickman
- XForms: Announcement: Dynagraph for 3D plotting Rouben Rostamian
- XForms: Grid Bob Springett
- XForms: XForms/LinuxPPC/32 bpp works! (was: XForms crashes with LinuxPPC + 32 Albrecht =?iso-8859-1?Q?Dre=DF?=
- RE: XForms: Grid - another approach Michael Glickman
- Re: XForms: Grid - another approach Bob Springett
- XForms: Sorry to be dumb! Rob Fletcher
- XForms: Version 0.89 Joel Lefebvre
- XForms: XFORMS for Windows 95/98 James, Robert
- XForms: Compilatin with Xform BILLARD François-Marie
- XForms: Xforms and the Load of file Hassan Chawiche
- XForms: Detaching a form from a tabfolder j.w.c.a. lokin
- XForms: flimage_convolve function Ravi Mehrotra
- XForms: Compilation Xform. BILLARD François-Marie
- XForms: listserver was off line for OS install Robert Williams
- RE: XForms: Compilation Xform. Michael Glickman
- XForms: Compiling gcc with libc5 Michael Glickman
- RE: XForms: Compiling gcc with libc5 Michael Glickman
- XForms: test--please ignore Rich Cook
- XForms: xyplot: axis through point (0,0) Ulrike von Luxburg
- XForms: Spurious callback call j.w.c.a. lokin
- XForms: HP v 0.89 Gino Perna
- XForms: XFORMS 0.89 for HP Gino Perna
- XForms: Wildcards in fselector filter David J. Singer
- (no subject) Shanmulapriyan Subramanian
- XForms: XDrawPoints, Scrolled Canvas Steve Lamont
- XForms: pb with slider jean-pierre Armangau
- XForms: pb with slider jean-pierre Armangau
- XForms: Saving and Restoring window positions. Doug Russell
- XForms: Progress Bar using scrollbar? David J. Singer
- XForms: Double-buffering of image data Thim Kwan
- XForms: Drawing on an image Todd Matthews
- XForms: Port to vxWorks Todd Matthews
- XForms: Arrays of Object names Hugh Gibson
- XForms: fl_redraw_object() David J. Singer
- RE: XForms: Saving and Restoring window positions. Michael Glickman
- RE: XForms: Arrays of Object names Michael Glickman
- XForms: Problem with overlay in xyplot Ravi Mehrotra
- XForms: X Error Messages R. Cook
- XForms: X Error Messages (detailed) R. Cook
- XForms: Problem with flimage_scale Ravi Mehrotra
- XForms: xforms install/make problem Melvin P. Kocher
- XForms: Drawing problem Marien van Westen
- RE: XForms: Drawing problem Michael Glickman
- RE: XForms: xforms install/make problem Michael Glickman
- XForms: fl_delete_object Yann Guichoux
- XForms: fl_free_form Yann Guichoux
- XForms: Xforms-89 Otto Walk
- XForms: What happens with menubar? Juan
- XForms: Error message when running Demo Sylvain Haudegond
- XForms: Text not getting to label in timely fashion. Jeff Pierce
- XForms: Please disregard: test of list Robert Williams
- XForms: Problem with handle file ... Hassan Chawiche
- XForms: desperately need help Shao-ou Chin
- XForms: Legal issue Juan
- XForms: Another Problem :Goodies .. Hassan Chawiche
- Re: XForms: Another Problem :Goodies .. Steve Lamont
- XForms: Some explanations(Goodies Problem) Hassan Chawiche
- XForms: glcanvas for NT again Shao-ou Chin
- Juan : "XForms: Legal issue" Kevin Mulholland
- XForms: problem installing xforms on RedHat 6.1 Linux Bill Simpson
- Re: Juan : "XForms: Legal issue" Steve Lamont
- Re: XForms: problem installing xforms on RedHat 6.1 Linux Bill Simpson
- XForms: Why xforms? Juan
- XForms: Shortcut keys Tim Floto
- XForms: Color Attributes for fl_show_question James, Robert
- XForms: glcanvs in the gun-win32 version of xforms Shao-ou Chin
- XForms: VERY strange seg faults on fl_initialize() Todd C. Zino
- XForms: GTK != GNU Steve Lamont
- RE: XForms: Some explanations(Goodies Problem) Sexton, Veronica
- Re: XForms: VERY strange seg faults on fl_initialize() Vince Magnotta
- XForms: reading pixmaps Bernhard Rumpler
- Re: XForms: reading pixmaps Can Alkan
- XForms: Adavanced image display =?iso-8859-1?Q?Gwena=EBl?= Durand
- Re: XForms: VERY strange seg faults on fl_initialize() Todd C. Zino
- XForms: SGI - GLX errors peculiarity .. Rob Fletcher
- XForms: Drawing to a pixmap Scott F. Thompson, Ph.D.
- XForms: fl_set_object_helper() behaviour David J. Singer
- XForms: Size of the Pixmap Juan
- XForms: Debug error message left in ... Rob Fletcher
- XForms: Xforms 0.89 availability on HP/UX Ivan Powis
- XForms: flimage_is_supported() seg-fault! thorsten@flaz3.nt.fh-koeln.de
- XForms: A funny choice j.w.c.a. lokin
- XForms: new xforms home page T.C. Zhao
- XForms: 2 errors: fselector and image/canvas thorsten@flaz3.nt.fh-koeln.de
- Re: XForms: 2 errors: fselector and image/canvas T.C. Zhao
- XForms: HTML documentation for v0.89? Daniel Weiss
- XForms: fdesign bugs in xforms v0.89.0? Daniel Weiss
- XForms: OpenGL behaviour changes from v88 to v89? Daniel Weiss
- XForms: Xforms v0.89.0 for HPUX Joel Lefebvre
Last message date: Fri 31 Dec 1999 - 11:07:59 EST
Archived on: Fri Dec 31 1999 - 11:16:43 EST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.