XForms: Using fselector for other than files

Gerald Gryschuk (ggryschuk@scf.sk.ca)
Fri, 10 Jul 1998 14:37:55 -0600

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Gerald Gryschuk <ggryschuk@scf.sk.ca> :


I was wondering if it was possible to use the fselector object to
display and let the user choose from a list other than files? Basically
I have a use for it in that the application I'm writing requires the
user to drill down through a set of "containers" similar to the way a
file selector allows drilling down through the file system. I've read
the manual and it doesn't appear to be an easy way to do this (i.e. no
callback that could be registered with the fselector object to return
the appropriate info to the file selector). Anyway I'm hoping I'm wrong.


Gerald Gryschuk(ggryschuk@scf.sk.ca)
Programmer Analyst
Saskatoon Cancer Centre
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