XForms: callback's

AMIT BHATNAGAR (amit@cs.dal.ca)
Wed, 15 Jul 1998 15:27:19 -0300 (ADT)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from AMIT BHATNAGAR <amit@cs.dal.ca> :

I am having problems trying to figure this one out:

I have an input field which it's callback will take the contents of the
field and check to see if it can match it within a file. If it doesn't
match.. I have it so that it displays a fl_set_oneliner() with an error
message. Now.. how do I make it so that it will not leave this input field
for the next one untill the input is a valid one?

I have tried fl_reset_focus and fl_set_focus to reset the focus back on
the object if it fails this check, but no matter what.. if it fails the
check.. the focus does continue on to the next input field.

Is this possible?

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