Re: XForms: xforms bug, or window manager weirdness?

vsexton (
Tue, 28 Jul 1998 18:00:35 -0500

# To subscribers of the xforms list from vsexton <> :

This is not an answer to this problem, but it is a related problem.
Also on an SGI (IRIX 5.3), if you have a form with an input field
on it, and use FL_PLACE_FULLSCREEN along with FL_NOBORDER,
then when you type something in the input box, it will show up
in a terminal window, or other similar window. Apparently, the
keyboard focus does not change as it should. I could not find a
way around the problem, since I was under time constraints, so
I used FL_TRANSIENT instead, even though the program
specifications called for no border (they wanted no interaction
with the desktop or other apps). I only had this problem on the
SGI, when I ported the same code to Linux or Solaris, they did
not have the same problem. If I recall correctly, the first form
shown was OK, but when I hid that form, then displayed the
second form, I had this problem. I figured it was a 4Dwm problem,
and it did not quite recognize what it was being asked to do.


P.S. I suspect a similar answer to Stephen's problem: that the
window manager is trying to do a place AND resize, but it is not
communicating with xforms correctly.

Stephen Langer wrote:

> Hi --
> On an SGI, if I drag the mouse instead if simply clicking while placing an
> XForms window on the screen, the window border is drawn larger than the
> window contents. This happens if fl_show uses FL_PLACE_FREE or FL_PLACE_SIZE
> and full borders. Here's the demo program pushme.c modified to show the
> effect:
> #include "forms.h"
> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> {
> FL_FORM *simpleform;
> fl_initialize(&argc, argv, "FormDemo", 0, 0);
> simpleform = fl_bgn_form(FL_UP_BOX,230,160);
> fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON,40,50,150,60,"Push Me");
> fl_end_form();
> fl_show_form(simpleform, FL_PLACE_FREE, FL_FULLBORDER, "PushMe");
> /* fl_show_form(simpleform, FL_PLACE_MOUSE, FL_NOBORDER, "PushMe"); */
> fl_do_forms();
> fl_hide_form(simpleform);
> return 0;
> }
> Run this, and drag the mouse down and to the left before releasing it
> when the window frame appears. The button and background for the window
> will be drawn at the size specified in fl_bgn_form(), but the window
> manager frame will be larger.
> The problem is leading to BadDrawable errors in my application,
> when a resized canvas object is confused about how big it really is.
> (I think... it's hard to reproduce, but it never happens unless I've
> dragged the mouse while placing a window.)
> Is this a bug in XForms, or do I have something set wrong in the window
> manager?

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