XForms: numlock key in FL_KEYBOARD callback of free objects

Simon (th_simon@compuserve.com)
Sat, 1 Aug 1998 14:08:48 -0400

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Simon <th_simon@compuserve.com> :

For a free object (an editor window), defined as FL_INPUT_FREE and
set to FL_KEY_ALL I don't get a keyboard event for the NumLock key, which=
as a "Gold" key for a DEC-EDT-compatible editor, which I implemented insi=
the free object.

When using X-Programming without xforms all is o.K. and I get an event fr=
the XNextEvent
routine from pressing the Numlock key.

Is there a solution to suppress the filtering of the NumLock key which is=

obviously done
by the xforms event handler.

Best regards, Th. Simon
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