XForms: Acceeding objects in tabbed folders

Antonio Matias Moro (moro@gandalf.us.es)
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 13:50:54 +0200 (CEST)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Antonio Matias Moro <moro@gandalf.us.es> :

Hi to all xforms users:

I'm a xform user begginer, so sorry if my question is too naive.
I'm writting a programm consisting mainly of a tabbed folder with about 10
folders. By reading an external file I fill several inputs and other
objects in the different folders. Then the user can modify these fields
and an output file is written. I find I bit cumbersome to acceed the
different input fields and other objects of the different folders from
a callback function of the main form (that containing the tabbed folder) ,
for example, when I have to write the final file. From the user's manual I
see that I can hold the address of a form in the member u_vdata of other
form, but when dealing with many folders I don't know which would be the
way to do it.
I would appreciatte any advise. Thankx in advance:

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