XForms: Solaris linking problem

David Birnbaum (davidb@chelsea.net)
Tue, 1 Sep 1998 10:06:12 -0400 (EDT)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from David Birnbaum <davidb@chelsea.net> :


I recently downloaded xforms 0.88 (and 0.86, and 0.81) and was attempting
to build another application which required it. However...the linking
phase failed with a message:

ld: elf error: file /opt/xforms/0.88/lib/libforms.a: unknown type, unable
to process using elf(3E) libraries

I took a look at the library, and it doesn't appear that the binary lib
is of the right type - it really isn't an ELF file, nor will ld link the
libforms.so.0.88 version. I double and triple checked that I was indeed
downloading the version marked "Solaris" - is anyone else out there
successfully building with Solaris 2.5.1 and gcc? Can somebody verify
that it is indeed the right thing:

corona xforms 323 $ sum bxform-088.tgz
64632 2194 bxform-088.tgz

PS - noted this same problem asked on 4/17/98, but no definative answer
was given.


David Birnbaum
Chelsea Networks

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