XForms: Another doubt about callbacks and member functions...

Humberto Cervantes Cuevas (hcc@hp9000a1.uam.mx)
Mon, 14 Sep 1998 14:29:59 -0600 (CST)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Humberto Cervantes Cuevas <hcc@hp9000a1.uam.mx> :

Hello to everybody!

A few days ago i sent a mail to the list in which i asked about how to
pass a C++ member function as a callback, Mr. Zhao gave me an answer
which got me out of the problem, now i can easily use member functions
within callbacks by recovering the 'this' pointer stored in u_vdata.

But now I have another little problem, i am working with an OpenGL canvas
and i want to do the same thing inside the canvas handler function, this
is i need to recover the 'this' again, but this time the solution given
before doesn't seem to work correctly, i get a "core dump" every time i
try to access the object by using the recovered 'this'.

Is it because a conventional callback is different from the canvas
handler? Even if both of them receive a FL_OBJECT *ob, I guess that maybe
the problem is that the FL_OBJECT in the canvas handler and the one in the
conventional callback don't share the same u_vdata or something like

I tried also to change the void *user_data parameter with a pointer to my
class and tried to send the 'this' on the fl_add_canvas_handler function
but this seems useless (core dump again...).

I will again appreciate any solutions on this problem.

Thank You!

Humberto Cervantes

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