XForms: setting cursorpos in MULTILINE input

Lothar Esser (esser@chop.swmed.edu)
Sun, 4 Oct 1998 15:00:51 -0500 (CDT)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Lothar Esser <esser@chop.swmed.edu> :

Dear Colleagues,

I am having a problem with setting the cursor position in a multi
line input object. I used fl_set_input_cursorpos(obj,x,y) where x is
the number of characters from the left and y is the line number.
The cursor alway moves to the correct position given by x but does not
move to line y. So no matter what value y is the cursor moves only
within a single line. (Xforms version 0.88, SGI Irix 6.2. Found the same
thing under Linux). Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong ?

Lothar Esser

P.S. I can provide an example (a simple modification of
the demo program minput.c) upon request.

Dr. Lothar Esser
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas Texas 75235-9050
E-mail : esser@chop.swmed.edu

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