XForms: first object

Lothar Esser (esser@chop.swmed.edu)
Fri, 6 Nov 1998 11:00:40 -0600 (CST)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Lothar Esser <esser@chop.swmed.edu> :

Dear Colleagues,

out of curiosity, what is the first object in a form ?

When I setup a form like that :

my_form = fl_bgn_form();
obj = fl_add_box();

and wish to gain access to the first object (which I thought would be
the box) with something like that

first_obj = my_form->first;

then first_object is NOT the box. The correct way appears to be

first_obj = my_form->first->next;

So what object is my_form->first ?

Any insights ?


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