XForms: input objects - newbie question

Martin Doll, Ph.D. (mkhd@into.ch)
Sat, 07 Nov 1998 17:02:23 +0100

# To subscribers of the xforms list from "Martin Doll, Ph.D." <mkhd@into.ch> :

Hi all,

I'm new to this list and also to xforms, which of I am really impressed
but I have a hard time in doing some progress now.
I know some C and I know how to use Tcl/Tk, but although I've printed
the ps manual of xforms, I can't figure it out.

Would someone kindly give me a startup help showing how I can
'configure' a callback routine that's associated with a normal input obj

simply to *get* the line (in a variable let's say "line_input" so I can
retrieve it later by "main")
and then *print* it to the screen using "printf("That's it: %c.\n", line_input);".

I only found too complicated examples or too simple ones like "exit(0)";
if there is a great online example or book, or someone want's to send me
a peace of code .....any help appreciated.

Thank in advance,

Martin Doll

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