XForms: XForms on MkLinux - MapColor problem...

Mon, 9 Nov 1998 15:16:25 -0500 (EST)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from dkp3@cornell.edu :

Hello all,

I've been sifting through some XForms mailing list archives and whatnot,
but haven't been able to find anything directly relevant to my current
plight. I've had tremendous luck and satisfaction with XForms so far,
but recently I've been trying to get some of my stuff working under
MkLinux (success under AIX, Solaris, Linux/i386, among others) and have
been running into trouble.

Specifically, I get this message:

In MapColor [flcolor.c 740] Only 1024 indexed colors are supported

repeated many times (~100?). I have forms with pixmaps on them, and this
problem persists regardless of whether the pixmap is around or not.
Interestingly, the pixmaps all display fine (XForms picks a private
colormap if necessary), but the rest of my form is all white. Everything
works fine, but it's all invisible.

The demos seem to work fine. I'm writing a library with xforms, and so
command line options are faked.

Anyone have any hints?


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