XForms: Code and clarifying - pixmap revisited...

Joao Filipe Ferreira (jfilipe@alumni.dee.uc.pt)
Thu, 12 Nov 1998 22:18:54 +0000 (WET)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Joao Filipe Ferreira <jfilipe@alumni.dee.uc.pt> :

To Steve Lamont:

The reason why I didn't send any code is because I've tried various
versions and all failed - I don't have the faintest idea of which was
nearest to getting it right.

Is it possible for you to, for example, think of a n-step solution of the
form "First - you should create the pixmap using... Next - ..."? The
problem seems to be creating the bitmap from the XImage with
XPutImage, which needs a drawable ID that I don't know how to fetch. The
code line I use (I doubt it will help), adapted from my previous canvas
solution is

(For the magnified right image,)

Pixmap mag_right_pixmap - The pixmap/drawable ID;
GC camera_right_gcx - The X graphic context, which is another problem:
this variable contains a g.c. from the original
image canvas. Is this the right thing to do?
magimage[RIGHT] - the image data;
SIZE - A constant with the size of the side of the pixmap object's (and
previously the canvas') square.

Previously, I had the canvas' ID instead of mag_right_pixmap.
I hope you can follow this...

Trent Piepho -

Now here's some interesting piece of code - if everything else
fails, you can be sure I'll use it!

There is a piece of information missing, though. Where is the
size_of_pixmap routine?


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