XForms: Q: xforms in a linux pthread

Michael Stillger (stillger@dbis.informatik.hu-berlin.de)
Fri, 27 Nov 1998 17:24:04 +0100 (MET)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Michael Stillger <stillger@dbis.informatik.hu-berlin.de> :

I am trying to port my multi-pthreaded programm to Linux (single CPU system)
an use xforms for my GUI.
I am using libc5 and a quite new pthread lib. (its S.U.S.E Jul. 98 distr.)
The User Interface of my program should run in a separate thread.
I get an error message saying that the program fails due to XIO errors.
XIO error 0 (Success)
receiving x events and exit after some xy attempts

As far as i know linux threads are not threads but
processes: i.e. you can't debug them and the xforms thread (like any other)
automatically runs in a kind of bg mode. I am also considering unsing
the glibc2 implementation if this is what is needed.

This might be a simple question, but i failed to get it going. (and my linux
knowledge is also quite limited ;)
Is it a Linux pthread problem or an xforms problem ?
Any help is very appreciated.

Thanx a lot

Mike Stillger

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