XForms: no main

Steve Lamont (spl@szechuan.ucsd.edu)
Mon, 7 Dec 98 07:33:00 PST

# To subscribers of the xforms list from spl@szechuan.ucsd.edu (Steve Lamont) :

> I'm trying to compile a personal archive "teste.c" using makefile, but a message returns:
> --------------------------------------------------
> make
> [...]
> Undefined first referenced
> symbol in file
> main /export/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1/2.7.2/crt1.o

This means you (obviously) don't have a main() function.

If you are trying to compile something generated by `fdesign' bear in
mind that `fdesign' by default does *not* generate a main() function
for you.

If you want a main() function, you should go to the Options menu and
select the "Emit Main" menu item. You will then get, as a reward for
your efforts, a main() function which will be in `teste_main.c'.

For more details, consult the manual.


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