XForms: static linking, Solaris 2.5 vs Solaris 2.6

Joel Weiner (weiner@mcci-arl-va.com)
Wed, 6 Jan 1999 19:47:26 -0500

# To subscribers of the xforms list from weiner@mcci-arl-va.com (Joel Weiner) :

Hello all,

I have been running into some difficulty when linking our xforms
applications on Solaris 2.6 machines.

Under Solaris 2.5 we were able to link statically, using the
-Bstatic flag. However, that binary wouldn't run on Solaris 2.6, generating
an error saying that the display can't be opened. We then tried to
recompile on Solaris 2.6 and got an "undefined symbol" error in the
X11 library during the link phase. We were able to successfully compile
and run only by surrounding the "-lX11" with -Bdynamic in front and -Bstatic

The question is: Is this a dumb kludge and is there a better way, or is
this the best solution?

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

J. Weiner
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