XForms: FDesign loosing callbacks, names and arguments

Carolyn Heineken (heinekenc@advancia.com)
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 09:58:35 +0100

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Carolyn Heineken <heinekenc@advancia.com> :

I am making multiple forms in one Form Designer file (approx 15 right
now) and I have noticed that on occasion, Form Designer seems to erase
the callbacks, names and arguments from all or most of the objects in
the file. The labels, font and other information remains intact. If I
notice it before saving, I can usually go to the .fd.bak file and only
loose the recent work. But if I don't notice it, and have saved then an
awful lot of work has to be redone. My co-worker has also noticed this
same problem.

Anyone else having this problem?

C Heineken

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