XForms: limits of xyplot

Vinh (vkdang@eleceng.adelaide.edu.au)
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 14:54:03 +1030 (CST)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Vinh <vkdang@eleceng.adelaide.edu.au> :


In a program that I'm writting, I must create a couple of xyplots. I store
the x and y components in a file and then use the fl_set_xyplot_file(...)
function to generate the plot.

This works fine with most data however in some of my data, I have very
large y values (around 2.0e308) and when I call fl_set_xyplot_file(...)
with these values in the file that the function reads from, no graph is
generated and in the xterm window, a message appears saying an error
occurred in line XX of the input file.
Where line XX contains x and y values such as:
45 2.0e308

So what are the limits on the X and Y component values? Is there anyway to
overcome this limitation?


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