XForms: XForms, C++ and OpenGL

Luis Miguel de la Cruz (lmd@deneb.labvis.unam.mx)
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 10:05:35 -0600 (MEX)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Luis Miguel de la Cruz <lmd@deneb.labvis.unam.mx> :


I'm a new user of XForms. I'm trying to build a graphic system to
visualize meshes and numerical dates on them. The connection of XForms and
C++ is not a problem, a get an example from the XForms homepage, the
problem exist when I try to add an OpenGL canvas. The example gl.c that is
included in the DEMOS is not clear(at least for me). There is a function
called idle_cb, is it a necessary function to draw something?. I tried to
put this function as a method of a class but I'd like avoid this function,
or change its name, but I wasn't able to do that. Someone in the list have
done an application using C++ and OpenGL with XForms?, if so, could you
give some hints and advises?.

Thank you very much

Luis M. de la Cruz S.
Modelaci'on Computacional, LabVis, DGSCA/UNAM
Circuito Ext. de CU, M'exico D.F. 04510, M'exico
Tel: 6-22-85-82 y 6-22-81-64
e-mail: luism@labvis.unam.mx o lmd@labvis.unam.mx

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