XForms: Xforms licensing questions

Tristan Savatier (tristan@mpegtv.com)
Fri, 26 Mar 1999 20:29:18 -0800

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Tristan Savatier <tristan@mpegtv.com> :

We are distributing a shareware MPEG Player (called MpegTV
or mtv) which uses Xforms for its graphic front-end.

My questions are the following:

1) Does your licensing policy makes a special case for Shareware, i.e.
in case a shareware is distributed (for free), do you grant the
right to use Xforms ath no charge for the free copies of the shareware
un-registered) ?

2) Does your licensing policy requires to get an Xforms licence when
selling licenses for a software that links dynamically to Xforms
but does not include Xforms ? Are your licensing terms different
when the application is statically linked to Xforms (i.e. includes
some of the Xforms code) or includes the Xforms library in its package ?
In other words, is there a difference between just using Xforms
and distributing the library, in terms of licensing ?

3) Some Linux distributions include the Xforms library
package (e.g. S.u.S.E). Our shareware is bundled with some
of those Linux distributions (for free, since it is
the shareware version that we bundle, not the 'commercial' or
registered version). Our shareware is distributed
in a format that uses the Xforms package of the distribution
(linked dynamically). Do we need some type of licensing agreement
for distributing our Shareware ? Do we have to pay anything for
the shareware copies that we distribute at no charge ?
Do we have to pay anything for copies that the user
registers, even though it uses the Xforms
library that comes with the Linux distribution ?

4) Some Linux distributions DO NOT include the Xforms library
package (e.g. Red-Hat). Our shareware is bundled with some
of those Linux distributions (for free, since it is
the shareware version that we bundle, not the 'commercial' or
registered version). In this case,
we have to include the Xforms library with our product,
or link it statically, or direct the user to download
xforms from the Xforms website (that unfortunately does not provide
the proper package format e.g. RPM etc). We prefer to include
Xforms with our shareware, in a proper package format (e.g. RPM).
In this case, do we need some type of licensing agreement ? Same
Do we have to pay anything for shareware copies that
we distribute at no charge ? Do we have to pay anything for
copies that the user register ?

We need very urgent precise answers to all those questions.


Regards, -- Tristan Savatier (President, MpegTV LLC)

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