Re: XForms: flickering images

Steve Lamont (
Sun, 18 Apr 99 15:00:12 PDT

# To subscribers of the xforms list from (Steve Lamont) :

> How do I turn double buffering on for a pixmap or canvas? Or are you
> talking about a glcanvas? I thought using Mesa would be a little too much
> overhead for displaying a simple 2d image (or series of images).

A Pixmap object may be double buffered by calling the function

In a Canvas object you need to handle all buffering yourself, either
by one of the Xlib functions, such as XCopyArea(), or indirectly through
an API such as Mesa3D.

Actually, Mesa3D or OpenGL may be more useful than you think, even if
they do add some amount of overhead, in that you can do useful things
such as resize an image without writing a lot of extra code yourself.


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