XForms: Formbrowser

Klaus Peter Maas (KlausPeter.Maas@t-online.de)
Tue, 27 Apr 1999 20:30:43 +0200

# To subscribers of the xforms list from KlausPeter.Maas@t-online.de (Klaus Peter Maas) :

Hallo All,
I'm using xform 0.88 IRIX 6.5 on an INDY.
I want to set the position of a form loaded in a formbrowser by program.
To set the horiz. scrollbar of the formslider I use
fl_set_scrollbar_value(form->formbrowser->next->next, value).
The scrollbar moves to the correct position, but the loaded form don't move to
the new position.
Is it possible to force the update / redraw of the loadet form?

Do some body can help me.

Sincerely yours Klaus Peter

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