XForms: Detaching a form from a tabfolder

j.w.c.a. lokin (lokin@signaal.nl)
Wed, 06 Oct 1999 14:48:17 +0200

# To subscribers of the xforms list from "j.w.c.a. lokin" <lokin@signaal.nl> :


Does anyone know how I can remove a form from a tabfolder and then display it in
a window of its own? I would have guessed that something like this would do it:

FL_OBJECT *tabfolder = ...;
FL_FORM *form = fl_get_active_folder (tabfolder);

fl_delete_folder (tabfolder, form);
fl_show_form (form, FL_PLACE_FREE, FL_TRANSIENT, "XXX");

Unfortunately this just messes things up: The tabs to the right of the deleted
tab disappear, and only reappear if I move the mouse over them. No extra window
appears at all. Moreover the remaining forms are messed up: the forms under the
tabs to the right of the deleted ones are no longer the ones that they used to
be. As far as I can see, they are moved one place too far to the left, so that
the form originally to the right of the deleted tab has become unaccessible, and
the form belonging to the tab I deleted is magically present under the rightmost

Of course I am also interested in the opposite action: returning a detached form
to its original parent tabfolder, e.g. in a form_atclose function. I guess that
fl_winreparent coud be used, but I'm wondering how.

Any ideas? I'm running 0.89 on Sparc Solaris 5.6.

-+- Jan Willem Lokin -+-
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