XForms: special key shortcuts not working

From: Trent Piepho (xyzzy@speakeasy.org)
Date: Mon Nov 13 2000 - 06:34:48 EST

  • Next message: Didier Verkindt: "XForms: xform v0.89 problem"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from Trent Piepho <xyzzy@speakeasy.org> :

    I want to have a button get the a shortcut of the delete key, but it doesn't
    seem to work. It appears some keys can be assigned as shortcuts, and some

    According the manual, page 222:
            First a key is tested whether any object in the form has the key as a
            shortcut. If affirmative, the first of those objects gets the
            shortcut event.

    Here is a test program which shows the behavior:

    #include <forms.h>
    int foo(FL_OBJECT *ob, int event, FL_Coord mx, FL_Coord my,
            int key, void *raw_event)
        if(event == FL_SHORTCUT)
            printf("shortcut %d %s\n", key, XKeysymToString(key));
        return !FL_PREEMPT;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        FL_OBJECT *obj; FL_FORM *form;

        fl_initialize(&argc, argv, 0, 0, 0);
        form = fl_bgn_form(FL_NO_BOX, 80, 80);
        obj = fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON,0,0,80,80,"Button");

        fl_set_object_shortcutkey(obj, XK_Insert); /* works */
        fl_set_object_shortcutkey(obj, XK_Delete); /* doesn't work */
        fl_set_object_shortcutkey(obj, XK_BackSpace); /* doesn't work */
        fl_set_object_shortcutkey(obj, XK_Control_L); /* doesn't work */
        fl_set_object_shortcutkey(obj, XK_Up); /* works */
        fl_set_object_shortcutkey(obj, XK_Tab); /* doesn't work */

        fl_set_object_prehandler(obj, foo);
        fl_show_form(form, FL_PLACE_FREE, FL_FULLBORDER, "test");

        for(;;) fl_do_forms();
        return 0;

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