XForms: interaction in push/pull application

From: Jan Menzel (jmenzel@mail.desy.de)
Date: Fri Nov 24 2000 - 14:33:53 EST

  • Next message: Jan Menzel: "XForms: error: shortcut and FL_INOUT_BUTTON"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from Jan Menzel <jmenzel@mail.desy.de> :

    Hi all,
            i'm working on a application, which does interaction with itself
    using a back ground process. (i was tolled thats called push/pull). The
    application writes its changes to the back ground process and read it back
    for displaying it in a form.
            The readback is done using the idle callback. Now I discovered
    some problems while using callbacks for interaction: main problem is, how
    to handle the displaying of current settings, while the mouse is doing
    interaction. For button and sliders evaluating "pushed" works good. For
    browsers neigther "pushed" nor "belowmouse" does the trick. Any hints?
            The second point it event, on which callbacks are called. I
    noticed that callback are called on releasing either mouse buttons or
    keyboard keys. Can that be changed to calling them when ever a press
    occures or do i need to do that by hand using prehandlers?
            Any hints?

            Cheers Jan

     Dipl. Phys. | mailto: jan.menzel@gmx.de
     Jan Menzel | http://www.lighting-solutions.de

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