XForms: cygwin & NT

From: Yann Guichoux (yann.guichoux@ago.fr)
Date: Tue Dec 05 2000 - 05:21:48 EST

  • Next message: Joel: "Re: XForms: memory usage and calloc]"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from Yann Guichoux <yann.guichoux@ago.fr> :


    I'm trying to port an application using xforms' cygwin libraries to NT.
    the compilation works fine.
    I would like my application to be launched directly from the NT file
    I have installed XFree86 4.0 on my pc...and i can manage to run my
    application from an xterm but not from the file manager (using a batch
    file contening the line :"myapplication -display localhost:0.0")
    does anyone already succeded in doing this (using XFree86) ?

    thanks for any help

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