XForms: Slider callback bug?

From: David Scriven (davidwriter@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Feb 20 2002 - 21:59:48 EST

# To subscribers of the xforms list from David Scriven <davidwriter@yahoo.com> :

I've come across something weird with the slider.
If you don't have a callback or as in my case, the
program goes and does something before returning, the
slider will abort the program.

To see this effect take the demo objreturn.c and
comment out line 87

then move the slider - the program aborts when you
stop. It appears that the callback is necessary, even
if it is a blank. If the slider is changed to a
scrollbar, the program works well without a callback.

I'm running 0.89.6 on Red Hat Linux 7.2

Any comments?

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