XForms: towards resizeable tabfolders

From: Angus Leeming (a.leeming@ic.ac.uk)
Date: Mon Oct 07 2002 - 10:42:02 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Heffner: "XForms: Problems compiling RC5.2"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from Angus Leeming <a.leeming@ic.ac.uk> :

    I am willing to have a go at this, but would like some feedback
    first. Am I heading in the right direction or going up a blind
    alley? Please read this and deluge me with advice.

    I posted a patch to the list this morning. It fixes one particular
    problem that arises because the tabfolders' geometry is not
    updated when it should be.

    Another problem with tabfolders as they currently stand is that
    they ignore resize events. For that to work would need an
            if (ob->objclass == FL_TABFOLDER)
    check in the main loop of scale_form found in forms.c.
    Thereafter, one would loop over all the FL_FORM * folders in the
    tabfolder and call scale_form recursively.

    I already have a function that may well do the trick. Here, I
    use it to fit internationalised strings into the buttons etc. I
    have pasted a butchered version of the code below, to give you a
    feel for what I believe is needed.

    It strikes me that a "proper fix" to scale_form that combined
    the code below with a call to fl_get_wingeometry would cure all
    my/our problems with tabfolders in one fell swoop.


    Best regards,

    void my_scale_form(FL_FORM * form, double xscl, double yscl)
            FL_OBJECT * ob;
            FL_FORM * folder;
            int saved_folder_id;
            int tabfolder_size;
            int i;

            /* call the xforms routine that actually does the work
                for the current form only
            fl_scale_form(form, xscl, yscl);

            /* Loop over all tabfolders in the current form and
                call my_scale_form() recursively, so that they
                too can be scaled.
            for (ob = form->first; ob; ob = ob->next) {
                    if (ob->objclass != FL_TABFOLDER)

                    saved_folder_id = fl_get_folder_number(ob);
                    tabfolder_size = get_tabfolder_numfolders(ob);

                    for (i = 0; i < tabfolder_size; ++i) {
                            fl_set_folder_bynumber(ob, i+1);
                            folder = fl_get_folder(ob);
                            my_scale_form(folder, xscl, yscl);

                    /* Return to the originally-visible folder */
                    fl_set_folder_bynumber(ob, saved_folder_id);
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