XForms: Can't seem to statically link

From: David Paigen (paigen@heathen.com)
Date: Fri Mar 21 2003 - 12:47:33 EST

  • Next message: Steve Lamont: "Re: XForms: Can't seem to statically link"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from David Paigen <paigen@heathen.com> :

    I am trying to test a program with 0.89 and 1.0 under
    Red Hat linux and running into problems. If I compile
    against the 0.89 library that was installed with Red
    Hat it works fine. If I try to link against a local
    version of 1.0 (not installed, just compiled in a
    special directory) the link goes through, but running
    the program resuls in the following:

    /xqtl: error while loading shared libraries: libforms.so.1: cannot open shared
    object file: No such file or directory

    Maybe I am just dim, but why is it trying to find the shared lib
    when I tried to compile with the static lib?

    Here are some lines out of my Makefile:

    XFORMS_INCLUDE_FLAG = -Ixforms/xforms-1.0RC5.2/lib
    XFORMS_LIBRARY_FLAG = -Lxforms/xforms-1.0RC5.2/lib -lforms
    -Lxforms/xforms-1.0RC5.2/image -lflimage
    XLIBS = ${XFORMS_LIBRARY_FLAG} -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
    xqtl: app xwin cgraph.o
            ${CC} -o xqtl ${XOBJ} ${COREOBJ} ${XOBJ} ${COREOBJ} ${LIBS} cgraph.o ${XLIBS}

    Does anyone have any ideas for me?

    - -David Paigen

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