Re: XForms: autoconf/automake patch

From: Angus Leeming (
Date: Thu Apr 24 2003 - 06:01:58 EDT

  • Next message: Angus Leeming: "Re: XForms: autoconf/automake patch"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from Angus Leeming <> :

    On Thursday 24 April 2003 8:46 am, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
    > | The way BUILT_SOURCES works, it is invoked on "make all". Thus all is
    > | fine when performing a "normal" make. The file is generated and a copy is
    > | moved to ../. It is this copy (in the lib dir) that is #included by the
    > | .c files.
    > Ok, I belive this to be a mistake if all the other c files in the lib
    > includes forms.h and not the individual .h files. IMHO forms.h should
    > only be used by non-lib code.

    Possibly. Probably even. But let's do one thing at a time.

    > | However, things screw up if we first "make distdir". The code above is
    > | invoked _first_, then the directory is created and stuff copied across.
    > | forms.h is copied across fine, but ../forms.h is not (automake knows
    > | nothing about that file).

    Can you use that for generated files?

    > | Hence, when we perform the subsequent build, things fail
    > | when we try and #include "forms.h" because we look only in lib, not
    > | lib/include.
    > |
    > | Changing the target from form.h to ../forms.h therefore resolves the
    > | problem cleanly.
    > In a dirty way.

    I'm not so sure that it is dirty. Currently we generate lib/include/forms.h
    and lib/forms.h. I don't see the point in two identical copies.

    If we keep forms.h in lib/include, then we need to tell the .c files where to
    find it. Something like:

            for file in */*.c; do
                    grep "^#include \"forms\.h\"" > /dev/null $file || continue
                    sed 's/^\(#include \"\)\(forms\.h\"\)/\1include/\2/' $file > tmp
                    cmp -s $file tmp && continue
                    diff -u $file tmp
                    mv -i tmp $file
            rm -f tmp

    This seems like the cleanest solution. We can think about #including only the
    relevant bits thereafter.


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