pop-up menu bug under solaris !

Tristan Savatier (tristan@creative.net)
Sat, 21 Dec 1996 07:00:56 -0800

To subscribers of the xforms list from Tristan Savatier <tristan@creative.net> :

I noticed the following very ennoying bug in the Solaris
version of Xforms (but not under Linux!):

Pull-down menus are clipped inside the window where the
menu-button triggering them is located.

I happen to have a menu that is longer (vertically)
than the window. When I open the menu, the bottom
part of the menu is clipped. It should normally
go further down than the bottom of the window, but
instead it is just clipped off!!!

This bug does not exist under Linux: pull-down menu
appear to be like real windows and and not clipped
even if they are longer than the window where
the menu-button is located.

Is there a fix for that VERY ennoying problem ?

I have enclosed the source-code of a small program
showing the problem.

PS: I am running Solaris 2.5.1 and Linux 2.0.0.

Regards, -- Tristan Savatier (mailto:tristan@mpegtv.com)

MpegTV website: /cgi-bin/exit-to?http://www.mpegtv.com
MPEG.ORG website: http://www.mpeg.org

/* Form definition file generated with fdesign. */

#include "forms.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "testbugmenu.h"

FD_foo *create_form_foo(void)
FD_foo *fdui = (FD_foo *) fl_calloc(1, sizeof(*fdui));

fdui->foo = fl_bgn_form(FL_NO_BOX, 270, 50);
obj = fl_add_box(FL_UP_BOX,0,0,270,50,"");
fdui->menu = obj = fl_add_menu(FL_PULLDOWN_MENU,10,10,80,20,"Menu");

return fdui;

FD_foo *Foo;

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
const char **argv;

fl_initialize (&argc, (char **)argv, "FormDemo", 0, 0);

Foo = create_form_foo();

fl_set_menu(Foo->menu, "a|b|c|d|e|f|g");

fl_show_form(Foo->foo, FL_PLACE_GEOMETRY, FL_FULLBORDER, "MpegTV


/* end */