Re: positioning a form

J. P. Mellor (
Fri, 3 Jan 1997 08:18:58 -0500

To subscribers of the xforms list from "J. P. Mellor" <> :

From: "Dr. T.C. Zhao" <>

>the first time a form is shown, the library tries to determine the
>window manager's reparent method and border size while using a
>default. Subsequent forms will use the correct WM border size obtained
>from the first time a form is shown.

okay - are the title-bar height and border width available through

On a different note, is there a function that will behave like pushing
the button with the mouse (push the desired button and unpush the
others in a group of radio buttons in a group as well as trigger to
callback)? If not, is there at least a function that will unpush all
the buttons in a group?

