fselector & v0.86

Robert S. Mallozzi (mallors@ips1.msfc.nasa.gov)
Tue, 15 Apr 1997 15:26:24 -0500

To subscribers of the xforms list from "Robert S. Mallozzi" <mallors@ips1.msfc.nasa.gov> :


There seems to be a problem with fl_get_filename() under v0.86. If one calls
the function before fl_show_fileselector(), xforms core dumps. This does not
happen with v0.81. The code below will show the error. I did not try the
other functions (fl_get_directory(), etc).

Also, there seems to be a bit of inconsistency with return values of fselector.
If I choose Cancel, NULL is returned but if I choose Ready without selecting
a file, "" is returned. It would be nice if NULL was returned in this case

-bob mallozzi

const char *t;
const char *temp;

/* OK with v0.81; seg fault with v0.86 */
t = fl_get_filename();
if (t == NULL)
printf("t = NULL\n");
printf("t = %s\n", t);

temp = fl_show_fselector("Enter filename:", ".", "*", "");
if (temp == NULL)
printf("File = %s\n", temp);

t = fl_get_filename();
if (t == NULL)
printf("t = NULL\n");
printf("t = %s\n", t);
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