XForms: File selector font?

Jimmie Mayfield (mayfield@pa.uky.edu)
Mon, 19 May 1997 08:54:07 -0400 (EDT)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Jimmie Mayfield <mayfield@pa.uky.edu> :

While we're on the subject of the file selector...

Has anybody been able to successfully change the file selector font?
I had hoped that fl_set_goodies_font() would do the trick but it does
not (at least on v0.86 running on Linux Elf).

I realize that I could probably use fl_set_defaults() to set the default
font size for each of the widgets appearing in the selector but (1) defining
individual default font sizes just so that one window appears correct seems
like the wrong thing to do and (2) it still doesn't let me choose the font
name (I'd like to have a fixed-width font in my file selectors...say 8x13 or

Any ideas?


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