XForms: Fdesign crashes Linux

Gary Huckabay (gx@bear.sirinet.net)
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 22:34:02 -0500 (CDT)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Gary Huckabay <gx@bear.sirinet.net> :

I am working on a simple (but large) project that involves approximately
three dozen forms. The basic objects I have used are: choice, menu,
input, text, check-buttons, light-buttons, buttons, round-buttons, 3-d
round-buttons, and multiline input.

Today, on 3 different occasions, when I was creating a 3-d round-button
(in fdesign), it abruptly dropped out of X and a login prompt appeared on
the screen. The system was stone-cold dead and I had to resort to cycling
the power.

I am using a Gateway, 32 meg of ram, and slackware 2.0.29.

Has anyone had this happen to them? If so, what is it?



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