Re: XForms: modal goody hidden under raised form

T.C. Zhao (
Mon, 12 Jan 1998 00:17:38 -0600

To subscribers of the xforms list from (T.C. Zhao) :

from Tristan Savatier <> :

>I think modal goodies like file selectors etc should always
>stay above other forms. Right now it is not the case, and
>I think that it is a bug.
>Some other forms do not let me raise them (which is,
>I believe, the right behavior).
I don't think there is a bug. Bascally xforms
sets all transient dialogs to be member of a group with the
group leader being one of the full bordered forms.
If window manager coorporates, it will keep all transient on top
of the main form.
Looks for index main form, stay on top, top or
something likes these in the manual for more info.

>I think it may be dangerous to let some forms come above
>modal goodies.
It certainly can be dangerous. Unfortuantely there
is no safe way to keep a form in front without
exhibiting unti-social behavior (grab the pointer
with constraints, checking visibility etc.) Even
the group thing is a hit and miss as there are
window managers that do not even look at that
attributes. Usually I find providing some visual clue
(such as dimming the inactive form) when a modal
dialog is shown is adequate.

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