Re: XForms: using xforms and GL (Mesa)

Steve Lamont (
Thu, 20 Aug 98 06:16:10 PDT

# To subscribers of the xforms list from (Steve Lamont) :

> as i understand it i have to build an extra bit of the xforms library tro
> handle gl (called gl.c).

Yes, this is correct.

> why is this not built into libforms?
> and how to make it part of the library.

You can compile it and use the `ar' command to add it to the library.
I think I may have asked TC why it wasn't in the library but I
honestly don't recall his answer. I'm personally rather glad he
didn't put it in the library since I've found it useful to modify it
on several occasions.

> at the moment all my code links fine apart from fl_.._glcanvas calls.
> i presume there are in the missing chunk on lib.

It should be in the FORMS directory as gl.c.

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