XForms: XForms update Form

Timothy Legge (tlegge@fundy.net)
Mon, 24 Aug 1998 18:33:58 -0300

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Timothy Legge <tlegge@fundy.net> :


I am trying to create a program that updates a label with some text, as
certian events occur. The program was a command line, that I am
converting. It would print something to the terminal window, as it
completed certian steps. I am trying to do the same thing but to a
Label. The last step is output, but the ones before it are not.

Am I correct in thinking that there is a function to update the form -
re paint it as the stemps try to output their message. I am using
fl_set_object_label. fl_show_messsages in the same place works

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