XForms: prehandlers and dblclicks

Paul Barton-Davis (pbd@Op.Net)
Thu, 17 Sep 1998 20:16:46 -0400

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Paul Barton-Davis <pbd@Op.Net> :

Steve -

actually what I sort of hoped might happen was that in the main event
loop, whenever an XKeyPressEvent was received, before invoking the
object handler with FL_PUSH (or is it FL_PRESS ? such is the joy of
XForms that I don't normally have to care), it would do the timeout
itself, thus guaranteeing that an object which received FL_PUSH would
know for sure that the event could not possibly turn into
FL_DBLCLICK. Apparently, this was left to each individual object to
handle, and its understandable on some level why this should be:
deeper timeout queues and more complex callback invocation.

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