Re: XForms: Event FL_KEYBOARD

Steve Lamont (
Thu, 17 Sep 98 17:50:11 PDT

# To subscribers of the xforms list from (Steve Lamont) :

> 'Cause i need to manage every mouse clicks and movement on a simple
> window. So i use an invisible frame to get the events on the window.

You way want to consider using a Free object, then. It is well suited
to managing multiple forms of input (keyboard, mouse clicks, mouse
motion, etc.).

> > ... Perhaps if you explained a little more
> > what you were trying to accomplish one of us on the list could give
> > you some guidance.
> Excuse me. More english difficult than everything else...

Just to clarify, my statement above was not meant in a pejorative
manner -- I have nothing but admiration for people who are literate in
multiple languages. I was simply asking for a bit more information,
not criticizing your posting in any manner.

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