XForms: Widgets and XForms

Joao Filipe Ferreira (jfilipe@alumni.dee.uc.pt)
Thu, 5 Nov 1998 19:11:48 +0000 (WET)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Joao Filipe Ferreira <jfilipe@alumni.dee.uc.pt> :

Ok. Another problem has revieled itself... How does one use widgets with
XForms? The picture magnifying procedings use an Athena widget called
Scale and I would like to insert the image it produces into a canvas
object - what should I do?

I already have the postscript manual and the (UPDATED - that was the
whole problem) online manual's address and half of my wories are over, so
shoot! I'm ready for all the info you can throw at me! ;)

Thanking you all
(for past and, perhaps, future answers),

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