XForms: fl_get_object_real_window

Joao Filipe Ferreira (jfilipe@alumni.dee.uc.pt)
Thu, 12 Nov 1998 23:28:13 +0000 (WET)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Joao Filipe Ferreira <jfilipe@alumni.dee.uc.pt> :

With this function, I've managed to get a valid window ID and it even
ALMOST works!

The problem is (another one!), the process of fl_put_pixmap_pixmap "eats"
the down box border and the positioner "disappears" under the pixmap. If I
drag the mouse (left button down) on the pixmaps' window, the positioner
moves, but it leaves it's last position undeleted, which becomes extremely

Before there is any pixmap displayed on my pixmap objects, the positioner
works just fine...

Nearly getting there,

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