Re: XForms:

Steve Lamont (
Wed, 9 Dec 98 06:50:12 PST

# To subscribers of the xforms list from (Steve Lamont) :

> Thanks for my first question about the "main()" , but now, when i
> try to run the executable archive "teste" ( after i compile, of
> course ), a message returns:

> ----------------------------------
> teste: fatal: can't open file: errno=2
> Killed
> ----------------------------------

It seems as if the XForms library is not installed in any of the
standard places where the dynamic loader looks for libraries. You can
avoid this by using the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable or by
using a command line option when you compile. To set the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH do something like

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /the/path/to/

where `/the/path/to/' is where `'
lives. For example, if you've put `' in
`/home/myplace/libraries' then you'd set

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /home/myplace/libraries

and then run your application.

You will have to do this every time you log in and want to run your

A better alternative is to install `' in a standard
place. The XForms `Makefile' will generally install the library in
the correct place for your operating system.

If you can't do this and you don't want to go through the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH business every time (and don't want to stick it in
your .cshrc or equivalent shell startup file if you're running some
other shell), then you may need to instruct the loader at link time
where to tell the dynamic loader where to look for the library. Since
this syntax varies from operating system to operating system, I can't
instruct you exactly how to go about doing this. Consult your
system's man pages for your compiler, `ld', and/or `' for

Finally, you could link the XForms library statically rather than
dynamically. This, again, is system dependent so you should read your
manual pages for the compiler and loader thoroughly for instructions.

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