XForms: XForms and Open Inventor

Bill Anderst (anderst@bjc.hfh.edu)
Thu, 10 Dec 1998 12:16:43 -0500

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Bill Anderst <anderst@bjc.hfh.edu> :

I have an Open Inventor 3D animation. Open Inventor provides a nice viewer
for the animation that allows me to rotate and translate the 3D objects.
However, Inventor's viewer does not allow stopping, stepping one frame
at a time, etc. I would like to create some type of XForm window with
simple buttons to stop and step through my animation. I would like
something very similar to the glwin program in the DEMOS directory that
comes with the XForms download. Except instead of a gl window, I'd like
to use the Inventor Window.

Does anyone have experience using Open Inventor and XForms together?
Any help, suggestions or example code would be appreciated.

Bill Anderst
Motion Analysis Lab
Bone & Joint Center
Henry Ford Hospital
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