Re: XForms: limits of xyplot

Steve Lamont (
Mon, 15 Feb 99 11:33:04 PST

# To subscribers of the xforms list from (Steve Lamont) :

> This works fine with most data however in some of my data, I have very
> large y values (around 2.0e308) and when I call fl_set_xyplot_file(...)
> with these values in the file that the function reads from, no graph is
> generated and in the xterm window, a message appears saying an error
> occurred in line XX of the input file.
> Where line XX contains x and y values such as:
> 45 2.0e308
> So what are the limits on the X and Y component values? Is there anyway to
> overcome this limitation?

Since the xyplot values are floats they are governed by the MINFLOAT
and MAXFLOAT values for your system. On most systems they are defined
in `/usr/include/values.h' as

#define MINFLOAT ((float)1.17549435e-38)
#define MAXFLOAT ((float)3.40282347e+38)

On most IEEE floating point systems, your value of 2.0e308 even
exceeds the allowable range of the double. On my SGI systems,

#define MAXDOUBLE 1.7976931348623157e+308

As a possible workaround, you might want to consider displaying your
values as the log (assuming that they are all greater than zero, of
course). Other than that, you'll probably have to filter the data to
cull the out of range values.

I don't know about you but if *I* saw numbers up in that range, I'd
start questioning the stability of my numerical methods. :-)


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